
Far Infrared Medical Facts & Research Data

Over the last 25 years, Japanese and Chinese researchers and clinicians have done extensive research on far infrared medical treatments. They have reported some amazing discoveries. In Japan, there is an ‘infrared society’ composed of medical doctors and physical therapists who are dedicated to advancing infrared research.  Their findings support use of far infrared therapy…

Project Veritas presents: Muckraking Journalism and Whistleblowing in the 21st Century

James O’Keefe established Project Veritas in 2010 as a non-profit journalism enterprise to expand upon his undercover reporting work. Today, Project Veritas investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions to achieve a more moral, ethical, and transparent society. It also engages in litigation to protect,…

Taking on the Biology of the Virus Itself

By James Clark, Steven R. Goldring, John Norton Moore, Daniel J. Pambianco, and Guy B. Roberts Greater pandemic preparedness will require improvements in infrastructure, early warning, testing, contact tracing, enhanced communication, and international cooperation, as detailed by a recent independent task force report of the Council on Foreign Relations. But simply doing better in these…

Lockdowns Stunt Women’s Progress

by Amelia Janaskie One hundred years ago on August 26, 1920, women obtained the right to vote by the adoption of the 19th Amendment. The Amendment allowed them to vote and participate in political life and symbolized their expanding independence, individuality, and personal freedom. Since then, women continue to enjoy greater economic freedom.   The…