Ko, Koherence & Flow

Ko is a philosophy and method; an ecosystem; a world-wide community; a haven for entrepreneurs, life-long learners, and everyone who loves humanity and wants a place to share our innate gifts.

Our Ekosystem is the synthesis of Thought Leadership, Training + Development, Memberships, Koworking, Wellness, and Events.

I am Inonge Khabele, Chief Visionary Officer at Ko, the company founded in 2020 by my late brother Khotso Khabele and his partner Zoltan Papp (now CEO). We are based in Austin, Texas and Budapest, Hungary. Our motto is Learn, Work, Play for the Mind, Body, Soul.

Here is a bird’s-eye view of who we are, our essence, and our genesis.

After co-founding and heading schools for children over 20 years at The Khabele School (now Headwaters) and KoSchool (now Academy of Thought and Industry “ATI”), Khotso chose to make available to everyone, the philosophy and methods that brought great success to the school communities.

By now, you are certainly wondering about the spelling. Khotso chose ‘ko’ to remind us of our interconnectedness. In the West African language of Yoruba, Ko means learn, work, and play together. It is the essence of our mission and vision.

Koherence is more crucial than ever during this time of exponentially widening political, social, philosophical, and religious divisions that have so often led to catastrophe.

Job, career, business, income, and home losses have left many in sink-or-swim situations, and for the first time, they find themselves seriously contemplating entrepreneurship.

We know that entrepreneurship is in our human DNA. We wouldn’t be here if not for our creativity; inovation, free trade, and mastery of skills to the extent that people willingly exchange goods with each other give meaning to our lives and motivate us to thrive.

Entrepreneurship requires tremendous confidence, discipline, self-responsibility, relationship-building, networking, and community involvement. The entrepreneurial mind needs to know how to pivot, and quickly. This is innate in each of us, but needs to be re-awakened in many.

Zoltan and Khotso knew the year 2020 would bring something momentous, involve all the technologies, and challenge and stress our human limits. They contemplated it for twenty years, knowing something like a freight train was headed towards humanity.

“Man makes machine. Machine makes man. Man is not ready!” they jokingly said, and spent countless hours discussing Singularity, biotechnology, information technology, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and that we humans wouldn’t be ready for this big shift.

Khotso had always been an incredible visionary – he could see future patterns and trends. He and Zoltan created the vision of this company, platform, and worldwide community with the emphasis on returning to the principles that bind all human beings together.

These timeless principles have allowed us not only to survive but thrive thus far. Koherence is the method and its five principles of Authenticity, Intention/Purpose, Grace, Integrity, and the overarching one: The Domain of Awareness.

Khotso was a lifelong meditator and taught countless students and staff how to calm their nervous systems, acquire skills faster and more easily, connect with other people, focus on their priorities, increase their productivity and enjoyment. Most importantly, to live in purpose and service, together.

He believed strongly in humanity and had an infectious way of inspiring people to envision what’s possible for us when we are not in a state of fear (because fear is something like kryptonite).

We naturally fall into Flow while engaged in what we love, whether on the sports field, playing an instrument, fishing, bowling, arguing a case, writing a novel, solving equations, or conducting scientific experiments.

In Koherence, we accomplish exponentially more than an individual usually can.

When we connect with people in mutual admiration, love, and respect, then we experience Koherence — two or more together in a state of Active + Connected + Presence toward the same goals — in such synchronicity that they become a holonic unit of one mind, like a Navy Seal team, a flock of starlings, or a school of fish.

Koherence is desperately needed in this time of exponentially widening political, social, philosophical, and religious divisions that have many times led to catastrophe.

However, all is not lost and there is a big light at the end of this tunnel. For every problem in this world, whether of the mind, body, or soul, so is its opposite: the solution.

Our Ko Team is passionate about making these techniques available for individuals and teams. Multiple peer-reviewed studies have shown that being in Flow, or Koherence, have these natural results:

5X increase in executive’s productivity (McKinsey & Company), 2X faster skill acquisition (Advanced Brain Monitoring & DARPA), 4X increase in creative problem solving (University of Sydney), and 3X increase in innovation (Harvard Business Review).

Our approach to training and development always includes Koherence as Context, and is Principle-based, Cohort-based, Neurofeedback-driven and Method Agnostic.

We combine cutting-edge neuro wellness and flow technologies with Koherence Techniques for accelerated results and are partnered with Professor Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, best-selling author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, and his company FLIGBY (Flow is Good Business for You) and with Immersion Neuroscience.

As censorship and controls increase and algorithms feed us information to confirm our biases, working in teams with people who have increasingly different worldviews becomes more challenging and more crucial, by the day.

No matter the power of artificial intelligence, it will never substitute for authentic human intelligence: curiosity, humor, invention, adaptation, expansion, adventure, and connection with the ineffable source of life.

As dark as the pressures of centralization via new and more sophisticated technologies are, they have also sparked a new wave of entrepreneurship.

Now is the time to be bold and authentic. Now more than ever – the world needs our ideas, new insights, and unconventional ways of interpreting data. Humanity, all of life and this planet need our entrepreneurship, love of freedom, diversity of thought, and decentralization.

Please take 12 minutes to watch our three-part video series QuickStart Guide to Group Flow, for an excellent explanation of our passion for Flow and Koherence!

“Ultimately, we hold great faith that humanity will successfully navigate this age and “Manifest a World of Wellbeing, Wealth, and Wonder.”

To Freedom, Entrepreneurship and Community!


Inonge Khabele

Chief Visionary Officer, Ko
[email protected]
+1 (512) 779-6556
Your 12-minute QuickStart Guide to Group Flow