An Open Letter to All Freedom Lovers from John Galt

To all lovers of liberty,

This letter is a call to action.

These are the times that try men’s souls.

Today you must ask yourself:

Are we still the land of the free and the home of the brave, or are we a conquered nation controlled by opportunistic politicians and slanted journalists? Do we want the narrative, or do we want the facts?

They tell us to “stay safe” while guidelines and recommendations become requirements and mandates. They tell us to stay at home, collect our unemployment checks, and obey the directives of the State. They tell us to cover our faces and stay six feet apart, even outside. They tell us what information is “approved” while they block alternative ideas and research. They tell us to accept the New Normal, when isolation is clearly abnormal.

There is more to this than a virus.

This is a worldwide power grab intent on changing the future. Your future.

In response, those of us in the freedom movement are doing our best by working remotely and spreading the message of freedom through online chats, virtual meetings, letter writing, and social media. We are sniffing out new research, countering dogma, and weighing costs.

 Can we stem the tide of socialism and authoritarianism?

We can, and we must.

You can declare your independence by leaving your house or apartment, breathing the fresh air, and defending your Constitutional right to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. Take whatever precautions you deem necessary for your personal situation, and then go back to work, restart your business, attend church, play sports, go to the beach or the park, and live free again.

In the pattern of Tom Paine, David Thoreau, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, Jr., it’s time to engage in a little civil disobedience.

As my colleague in arms, Francisco d’Anconia, warned us,

“It seems monstrously wrong to surrender the world to the looters, and monstrously wrong to live under their rule.”

Let’s start by reclaiming our First Amendment right to the freedom of assembly and freedom of speech. Not by Zooming into an online or virtual event, but with an actual person-to-person meeting of free minds!

That’s why I’m writing to you.

While other events have been postponed or canceled, Caesars Entertainment has opened their top hotel to host their biggest post-lockdown conference in Las Vegas – our own FreedomFest, “the greatest libertarian show on earth,” July 13-16, 2020.

The 4-day event will take place at their premier property, Caesars Palace. Hotel rates have been slashed for us, the resort fee is cut in half, and they are now offering FREE PARKING. We’re adding a special discount as well.


This is our ONE CHANCE to prove to the world that freedom is still a virtue we cherish. November looms large. Next year might be too late.

We are engaged in a great battle of ideas. FreedomFest 2020 will be remembered as an HISTORIC event — the year we battled the novel coronavirus, endured the unprecedented global lockdown, and fought the most polarizing and significant political campaign since World War II.

Will America catch the vision of freedom, or the virus of oppression? Years from now, will you be able to say, “I was there when the tide was turned”?

Our FreedomFest theme this year is “catch the vision” – not the virus!

  • Catch the Vision of independent entrepreneurs and researchers solving problems without government regulations.
  • Catch the Vision of independent journalists analyzing a story on its factual or philosophical merits and not its political outcomes.
  • Catch the Vision of independent statesmen making policy based on an underlying philosophy of liberty.
  • Catch the Vision of independent filmmakers advocating for individuality, choice and accountability through art.

Already over 1,000 freedom lovers have caught the vision and are making plans to meet at FreedomFest, the new Galt’s Gulch. They include the leaders of many think tanks and freedom organizations. Will you be one of us?

Choose this day whom you will serve – the State or the Individual!

FreedomFest is a once-a-year opportunity where freedom lovers gather to learn, network, socialize and celebrate liberty (or what’s left of it), and speak our minds without censorship. Now more than ever, we need each other.

The conference begins Monday, July 13, with an Emergency Meeting comprising top experts in healthcare, politics, journalism, business, and the markets.

Helmed by FreedomFest ambassador Steve Forbes, these experts will expose the threats to our way of life and lead us in a plan of action to safeguard our physical, political, emotional and economic health.

See our current list of speakers, sponsors, panels and debates.

Be a part of our emergency meeting, the Global Economic Summit, the Anthem Film Festival, the Pitch Tank of Budding Entrepreneurs, the Trade Show for Liberty (exhibit hall), and the 3-day Financial Freedom Seminar.

There’s something for everyone—we’ll talk philosophy, history, science & technology, healthy living, geo-politics, economics, finance, religion, music and dance. Where is John Galt? At FreedomFest.

I started this call to action by quoting Thomas Paine. Let me end with Thomas Paine’s immortal words of 1776:

“The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but they that stand by it now, deserve the love and thanks of man and woman. 

 “Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.  Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”

Don’t be a summer soldier or sunshine patriot. Be a part of the glorious triumph.

In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “We must all hang together, or we shall surely hang separately.” Let’s hang out in Vegas, and save the world.

Yours for peace, prosperity and liberty,

John Galt


“The World’s Largest Gathering of Free Minds”

July 13-16 (Monday – Thursday), 2020, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas


Join me for FreedomFest 2020 and take a stand for Liberty!

Mark Skousen teaches economics and finance at Chapman University. He is the co-producer of FreedomFest, known as “the world’s largest gathering of free minds.” It will meet at Caesars Palace Las Vegas July 13-16. Tickets and information are available here. Fly there, drive there, bike there, be there! Register now!