
Covid Regulations in Loco Moco

by James Bovard   In August, I reported here on how Montgomery County, Maryland, was seeking to shut down private schools as part of their Covid-19 strategy of abolishing all risk by abolishing all freedom. As more individuals have recently tested positive for Covid, the county government is responding with a new array of iron-fisted…

A Day to Celebrate Human Achievement

The third week of October marks the anniversary of a great human achievement. On October 21, 1879, Thomas Edison ran an electric current through an experimental light bulb. He had tried thousands of filaments in other bulbs in the past. While none worked, he considered them successes in that they limited the possibilities of what…

10 LESSONS FOR 10-10-2020

The year 2020 has been anything but a year of seeing clearly. It has been characterized by uncertainty, divisiveness, and conflicting views. In the January prediction issue of my newsletter, “Forecasts & Strategies,” I stated, “The outlook for stocks, gold and the dollar is positive as we enter 2020, but beware of a ‘black swan’…