
Goodbye Circular Flow, Hello LinKē!

Dominant but damaged… There’s no need to show you the Circular Flow Diagram – it’s already in your head. It has dominated economic thought for a century. Yet, all along we’ve known its shortcomings: over-aggregation, static capital, instant production, and homogeneous factors.1  It places consumption before production and supports a fantasy macro world where saving is…

Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?

I have a confession to make. I am in love. Is this romantic love that I’m in? Well, yes, but that’s not what we are going to talk about today. Today, the “love” I want to talk about is the love I have for conversation, my love of exchanging ideas, and my love of persuading…

On the Road Again–You Come Too!

I love road trips. Over the past 15 years I’ve crossed the country from coast to coast and north to south at least two dozen times. It started in 2007 when my husband wanted to send his handcrafted “Totem Pole of Economics” to FreedomFest for a talk he was giving on Keynes, Smith and Marx.…

Are You Healthy, Wealthy & Wise?

Ask yourself these three questions, “Who are you?” “Do you have a social security number?” “What do you own?” The thing people generally call the “United States Government” doesn’t come close to honoring the Constitution or the Constitutional Republic it formed; thus, in this article, I call that thing: “Corp. U.S.” (to see more on why,…

Nobody Gets Footloose in D.C.

“You won’t get any dancing here, it’s illegal.” That’s a line from the 1984 film “Footloose” starring a then very young Kevin Bacon with the very cool character name “Ren McCormack.” Now, I know I am biased here, given my alter ego is “Renaissance Man,” and given that a certain cadre of in-the-know friends actually…

The Antidepressant in Your Refrigerator

About thirty years ago, my mother gave my then-new bride and me what has become over the years one of our most use-worn cookbooks: The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook. Being someone at the time who enjoyed eating whatever I wanted, a cookbook with the word “diet” in it would not normally have grabbed my attention. But,…

Our Techno-Healthy Future

Imagine a future in which you rarely visit a doctor, in which your joy of life and bank account are not drained as you age, in which you live well past a hundred in good health, vibrant in mind and body. Imagine that the words you are reading are not click bait or science fiction.…